problems with apt moving to

By Shawn

I applied to an apt complex with my husband, first they told me that my husband who works for comcast can park his work truck which he drives home,then after holding fees were paid the truck cannot be parked there, then when they were supposed to to hold the apt at athe price they didnt so the price went up, then they sent me an email saying im approved and I need to get property insurance which I did,the email stated moving date, price to be paid everything,I transferred utilities, then I was told weeks later that unless someone physically calls me I was not appreoved. What? How am I supposed to know that? Yes well we have a glitch in the system I was told. So everything was fine. A wk before moving now its we need address verification, my landlord does not do verification in writing they dont accept over the phone and nothing else will do. Seems to me because I complained about the truck situation and the other properties agreed with me and told me to call corporate they are giving me a hard time. They cannot see any address for me on my credit report. I am 49 years old and have not been living under the rock. Is there anything I can do/ I think they are trying to find a way to say I did not comply for them to approve me to keep my holding money.

Edited on: Tuesday, June 11th, 2013 3:27 pm

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