Problem with the deposit paid to a potential landlord
By Russellspring
I was going to relocate to Pennsylvania due my employment. I looked for some apartments on-line and found one seemed reasonable. I called them and discussed the rental detail, which seemed OK with me. Then I was asked to send two checks to the management: one is for $50.00 for background investigation, the other is for $250.00 for deposit. I was told they would not do anything with my application until the money was in place. The next day I sent those two checks, I found out I was not going to relocate to Pennsylvania. So I called the property manager immediately and canceled my application. She said she’ve already done the background investigation. I appreciated her prompt service so I ONLY demand my deposit back. She agreed to send it back to me. But it has been two weeks since I canceled the application, I have neither received the money, nor I have been able to talk to her directly. I left her messages and sent her e-mails, she would not respond. My next step is to file a complaint against that property manager at the Small Claim Court in Pennsylvania. What is your advice? Thank you very much!
Edited on: Monday, October 31st, 2011 2:10 pm
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