problem with maintenance at house I’m renting

By Wendy Scott

We now have snakes, no screens, broken doors, electrical problems, and we are receiving no assistance with issues from the property management.  New to state, Military family, what are our rights

Edited on: Saturday, April 2nd, 2011 7:12 pm

One Response to “problem with maintenance at house I’m renting”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


June 8th, 2011 9:58 am

Your landlord is responsible for keeping your rental unit safe and sound. Your landlord must fix major problems like the one you’re having right now. You can have these tips, first is to write a repair request, this will give you a chance to state what the problems are and point out why would the landlord needs to necessarily fix it. In writing this letter, one tactic is to explain that the problem may get worst and more costly to him if it’s not taken care of right away. Finally if the issues are affecting other tenants be sure to emphasize that. If the written approach will be ignored, contact a mediation service which will invite the landlord to meet with you and a trained mediator. The mediator will help you come up with a mutually-acceptable solution. If this don’t work then move on to the next step which is reporting your landlord to your local building or housing agency. Call the agency that enforces these codes in your area to find out. These officials at the agency can explain whether your problem violates local or state codes, and maybe able to take actions against your landlord. The least that you can do is to sue your landlord in small court. :) Goodluck!


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