problem with landlord repairs

By Joker738

on august 29, 2011 my apartments front door was kicked in and i was burglarized, when i arrived home i informed my landlord and they sent a maintance man over to secure the front door with a thin piece of plywood. i then took 4 hrs off of work the following day to get the door jamb and surrounding drywall repaired, after 4 hrs of running back and forth between the office and my apartment 2 get more copiies of the police reports, i was informed that i would have to pay $100 to get the door jamb replaced. i informed them that was not in my lease and was not my responsibility, and they fought with me on it for 2 weeks. i made an appointment with an attorney and was told by the attorney to write them a letter stating i was giving them 10 days to fix the door or i would be taking legal action against. i wrote the letter and turned it in on september 21, 2011, and at which time they continued to tell me that my door was secure and all this other run around, pulled out my cell phone and showed them a picture of the door jamb. today september 22, 2011 they called me in the morning and told me that they submitted the repair request to maintinance and that i wouldn’t have to pay the $100 fee to get it fixed. But since the breakin i have had installed an alarm system in the apartment on all doors and windows. i have tried to make arrangements to be home when the repairs are done as they are giving me a 3 day window as to when they will be coming out to do the repairs. At which time i informed them that they do not have permission to enter due to the apartment being alarmed and they are unwilling to respect my wishes to setup a day or a time for the repairs so that i can disarm the alarm. I only live 20 minutes from work and have offered the suggestion to call me 20 minutes before they arrive to do the repairs and i will come turn off the alarm, they are refusing to do this and expect me to leave my alarm system turned off for 3 days and give them permission to enter. Do i now have any legal action that can be taken or is this enough to find them in breach of the lease and terminate it without further repercussions?

Edited on: Friday, November 8th, 2013 12:19 pm

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problem with landlord repairs


I am a new renter. I’ve been living in my aparttment for about five months and from the beginning i have had to stay on my landlord about the apartment. The landlord continues to raise the rent. The lawn doesn’t get cut in a timely manner, I have a vent over my stove that has cake-up grease that every time i cook the steam that comes from the pan goes up into in vent and loose the grease and grease begans to fall into my food. I have asked my landlord over and over to fix that situation and the landlord has fail to do so. what can i do to make sure things get fixed in a timely manner.

Edited on: Thursday, March 1st, 2012 11:13 pm

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problem with landlord repairs

By Xylvia

My family has moved into a townhome in may of 2011. When we moved in the ac was not working. It took the landlord more than a week to get it repaired. Ever since then we have been having a/c unit issues. Since Oct of this year we have been without heat in the home. My 15 month old son has been sick twice now since there is no heat. I’m fed up with the excuses as to why the heater is still not repaired. From what I have been reading online I cannot withold rent per state guidelines. There are other emergency repairs that need attn as well. I dont know what to do please help!!

Edited on: Friday, December 30th, 2011 3:52 pm

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