Problem with landlord repair process-HELP!


I live in an apartment with 3 other females in an older building. Our landlord owns the business on the first floor of the building, and we occupy the 2nd and 3rd floor. Over 2 weeks ago, while 3 of us were already sleeping, one roommate blew a fuse, and we came to the realization that our fuse box was not located in our apartment. We had no power in 2 bedrooms (including AC units during a heat wave), and our bathroom, which includes the washer and dryer. Our landlord was out of town, and the women he left in charge did not seem to understand the problem or how to fix it. We left several voicemails and emails for our landlord with no return contact. 

We were without power for 2 weeks until our landlord returned and made the simple fix of flipping the fuse. On the same night of our blown fuse, our fridge and freezer stopped working. This is the 3rd time we have reported an issue with the fridge, and after a week and a half, a repairman was sent to fix the issue. By this point, all food was spoiled. 
We are now asking our landlord to take off 2 weeks worth of our upcoming rent check, as we were essentially living in an unlivable environment, and reimburse us for the cost of the food that we lost. He is refusing this offer, and says that he can show us no concession for the problem. Is there any legal action we can take against the landlord, or do we just have to suck it up? 

Edited on: Friday, August 2nd, 2013 11:22 am

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