Problem with landlord repair/ intimidation from landlord. I am very frustrated
By Dorie L. Alexander
I am having landlord problems with repairing my livingroom window. I have applied for Housing Assistance in the city of Green Bay and with this housing assistance I must pass a housing inspection, so the first week of October I was notified that I had my first inspection on Oct 30th. I notified the landlord of this and also gave her a copy of the housing letter which stated that my first inspection would be on Oct 30th between 8am – 12:00 pm. Oct 30th the inspector came and walked through the two bedroom duplex that I and my two daughters and my 14month old grand daughter live in. The inspector commented that I would be sent a letter with a few days letting me kn ow of what the repairs needed to be done. A few days later I did receive the letter and there were a lot of repairs that needed to be addressed. I gave a copy of the repairs to the landlord and she said she would have my neighbor who also rents from Chri L. Properties LLC to come and do the repairs. This being November, the first week. The neighbor who says he does repairs when he has time to do repairs came to me and said that the garage window and the basement window was being ordered and when the window replacement was ready; he would come back to insert the windows. The next home inspection was scheduled for November 30th. I kept in contact with the landlord sometimes twice a week regarding the windows. The landlord would say to me I ordered the livingroom window parts and there is nothing I can do about it, or, she would say I have other things I’m doing! I felt so defensless and ashamed to call her again, but I did and she would always say the same thing. So, now November is here and I’m calling the landlord about the livingroom window and she would say that the part has been ordered and there is nothing she can do about it. The only repair remaining is the livingroom window. November inspection which was on the 30th did not pass. Still waiting for the livingroom window. No home inspection scheduled yet. In the mean time: The landlord increased my rent from $655. to $695. a month because I was now approved for Housing benefits! She modified the lease and she presshered me into signing the lease saying that my housing specalisted needed the lease faxed to his office!…Since, I have been very upset and frustrated and soon to be homeless!!!!help any comments would help me and my family so much. I have been to agencies to ask for rental assistance to get caught up on the rental arrears for Oct and Nov and now Dec rent is also paid. Jan is right around the corner I have no rent money and the livingroom window upper and lower window is still sitting against the wall where it sits. A window pane is what keeps the bitter cold and my two daugthers and 14month old grand daugther from the cold. I do not have money to repair the window myself otherwise I would have. I was told by D and D window repair that the repair would take no longer than a week! I have no money to file a complaint…!
I went to the landlord and discussed my financial difficulties and kept my landlord abreast of all of what was happening with me.
*Sept 2010 Child Support ended for oldest daughter. She is 18.
*Oct 2010 I’m layed off my Job. I paid half of the months rent and made rental arrangements with the landlord.
*Nov 2010 applied for unemployment compensation.
Edited on: Monday, January 30th, 2012 7:29 pm
One Response to “Problem with landlord repair/ intimidation from landlord. I am very frustrated”
Pup February 9th, 2012 10:50 am |
The raising the rent part is not legal, I’m no attorney but I can say if there was a certain price in the lease agreement, she cannot go above this without both parties consent, or until you sign a new lease stating you are willing to pay extra. Also, your landlord is a absolute moron for renting a place that is not suitable for living. She should have ordered everythign she needed and ahd everything fixed BEFORE she ever rented this place out to anyone. My mother went into the housing authority (or HUD, which should really be called DUD), hoping that being a housing authority they would live up their title. We too went through a lot of headaches with them, and what I think goes on is that HUD gets money handed to them under the table by these neglectful landlords, honestly. We rented from this slumlord who had bad mold problems in his basement. He always knew when HUD was coming out for their house inspections, so he would cover it up with KILZ, some type of paint that covers mold up really good (but does not get rid of it), so he always got out of everything by covering it up, and we were frustrated because we were trying to tell HUD how neglectful this landlord was, but they were so stupid and so blind to it all!! It was unbelievable. They always take the landlords side over yours, so don’t even bother trying to figure out a way to get them to listen or help you. They are money hungry sharks and that is all they care about. As long as they can wean you of your hard-earned tax dollars, they won’t be trying too hard to make sure you are safe and okay. Also, any landlord who is recieving quick and easy cash from a housing authority will always be neglectful and careless. They have nothing to work for or any goal to work toward, so they could cre less about you the renter. I have heard nothing but awful things about housing authorities, and let me say after watching my mother struggle so much with them and them being so harmful and neglectful (even going so far as to carelessly rent out asbestos filled homes to families), I decided paying my own rent and finding my own rental has been the safest, best way to go. Obviousely you will always have problems with some landlords, but when you find a really good landlord, let me tell you, stick with them. Until then, you can report this idiot landlord on this website (it is well worth it), and also go to any courthouse and they should have tenant rights information and advice. Another route you can try is to document as much as possible (pictures help, along with copies of letters and documented phone calls to or from the landlord, and if you want to get really creative, nail your landlord with his/her own words by actually recording them with a secret device. I used my cellphone once, and caught one of the HUD workers in her own lies. If you have internet access, go to Google and type in a specific request and look arund as much as possible. I ended up having to do this and I got so involved in it. I am currently dealing with a psycho landlord who likes to pick on the young crowd. I should have known better than to rent from them when they said that at the age of 21 I still needed a parents signature to co-sign for me. Whoever heard of THAT in the State of Wisconsin? How old do you ahve to be to rent before they consider you an adult? 85? Good grief… I wish you the best! And I know it sounds bad, and I hate saying it, but kissing a neglectful landlrod and exposing her for what she is to everyone and anyone is a VERY good idea. Report her to every agency, state place or business burea possible. This way, her reputaion will be ruined and she cannot hurt anybody else again. She may even find herself having to take in horrible tenants, which will really be some karma for her. After all, if they are good tenants they will not want to rent from or deal with a person like this or of her low caliber. |
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