problem with landlord fixing heater

By randi

On wednesday 11/21 i notified my landlord that Harris comfort oil tried to deliver my oil and said that there was water in the oil tank.  landlord doesnt approve harris to pump he water out until tuesday 11/27.  Harris comfort oil pumps out the 50 gallons of water and then tries to get the heater up and running and finds out that the "blast tube" needs to be replaced($431 part).  i notify my landlord of this and he thinks that Harris is trying to "rip him off" and wants a second opinion.  so i’m waiting on that….i just want heat and i’m getting extremely frustrated with all of this can anyone help me????PLEASE ITS FREEZING OUTSIDE…IT SNOWED YESTERDAY AND ONE SPACE HEATER BETWEEN A THREE BEDROOM APARTMENT ISN’T CUTTING IT :(  HELP!!!!!!

Edited on: Wednesday, November 28th, 2012 6:27 pm

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