problem with landlord charges

By afia


my landlord has charged me 450$ for beg bugs removal…which i paid..

then when i evacuated the apt, the have charged me 425$ for full paint

245 for carpet replacenet

and 150 for trash removal,

i removed all the trash before leaving the apt and took all the photographs when i was leaving the apt…

n i can claim that the apt was clean

what should i do now

they say that i have to give 322$ more plus deposit of 400$ wont be given back.

please guide me as early as possible i just have 1 week to respond to them

Edited on: Monday, May 6th, 2013 7:34 am

One Response to “problem with landlord charges”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


August 30th, 2010 1:06 am

Those charges do seem high and non-justified.

If you feel that the charges are anything more than fair, I would suggest that you file a complaint with the RPA. This will allow you to formally dispute the charges and protect you from it getting reported to the credit bureaus and damaging your credit.

You’ll either need to suck it up and pay what they’re asking or fight for your right to fair charges. If you do file a complaint you will be required to pay a $35 filing fee.

Let me know how it turns out.


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