Problem with Landlord and his grown children

By Melody

I am in a bad spot, I have rented this trailer for 2 1/2 years. I pay my rent by check every month by mail and have never been late and I made this place liveable. The first year all was ok as far as not being tormented. The roof leaked for 2 years and finally the landlord had to fix it. I have put alot of my own money into this trailer as this landlord does not fix anything. My toilet fell through the floor and he would do nothing to fix it, I went in a bucket for 3 weeks and I had it fixed because I am not going in a bucket and he was charged for it. His daughter moved in with the guy that lived next door to me and thats when all heck broke out. They put a roof in my yard and a big old dump truck full of infested Meth items that was taken out of the house when the landlords son got arrested for manufactoring it. They did not want it in their yard so they just put it in mine. Then the harassment started I had to call the police and they got 2 charges of Misdeamenor 3rd and menacing. After I did that they left me alone and moved, while I had the police here the guy was on the phone with him and threatened me with his Brother inlaw, saying if she thinks we are bad wait till he moves in, the officer was taking it all in. So now I am tormented day in and day out and they have been here for 3 weeks and I have not had one nights sleep. They are loud, they do drugs, drink daily and the whole neighborhood would like to see them go. But Daddy owns the trailer I rent and the house his 40ish child lives in. I am disabled and I’m really sick and have a limited budget. What are my rights and he said I am evicted for what I have no idea but I am not putting up with this. We renters should have some protection from these kind of people. I mind my own business and stay in my own yard and don’t even speak to these people, last night I did say to them when they were yelling and drinking at mid night " people are trying to sleep and he told me to f myself and go to f in bed. I called the police. So where do I stand. Oh I have never had back steps to get out incase there was a fire, the front porch is all rotten and I have replaced boards like 5 so I don’t fall threw them I could go on, this Landlord is a slum lord.

Edited on: Tuesday, November 12th, 2013 8:22 am

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