problem with landlord
By Steve
My landlord and I entered into a month to month verbal agreement. I owe for April and soon for May 525.00 in rent. She says she does not have to do any proper notice and she is going to move all my things from the bedroom into the living room because of back rent. She also is going to change the lock on the bedroom door so I cannot enter. She says she has another tenant moving in May 1 and there is nothing to stop that from happening. In reading on the internet I believe she has to give at least 5 day notice and cannot change ANY locks?? Please help me with the right info!!
Edited on: Wednesday, January 29th, 2014 5:49 am
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Problem with landlord
By Summer
I have been living in my house since feb….the water pump under my sink busted…they fixed it not the water leaking on the carpet and them not dry vaccing it up it smells like midew…He said he was gonna replace the tub which is a very old tub with mildew on tiles thats been there for a long time and led paint peeling from tub bottom stopping up our tub…also our stove has wires hanging in the inside of it he said he would repair that and hasnt…the floor they haven done that this was promised back in march it is sept and nothing still is done what do i do???
Edited on: Wednesday, November 27th, 2013 4:11 pm
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Problem with Landlord
By Alicia Moreno
My landlord has servdme with a 30day notice to vacate on 9-10-2010. because she has buyer for the new home. my landlord has asked me 3dirrfent times to psble move out to have the home avaiable for the new home owners. my lease is not expire until 9-30-2010. she cont to come to my house either very late at night or very early moring hours and knocks on my door and rings the door bell. on 9-29-2010 she served me with a 5day late notice .Can she do this when my leas is not up. and how much time does she have to let me know when she wants to work on the lawn and do come in to do inside work.
Help ME .
Edited on: Sunday, April 21st, 2013 3:54 am
One Response to “Problem with Landlord”
RentGuru September 30th, 2010 2:16 am |
Hi Alicia, If your landlord sold your rental home and now wants you out; they must follow proper lease termination in order to force you to move. You have full right to stay through the end of your contract, unless there is some type of condition in the contract that dictates early termination if home is sold. (very unlikely, but possible) Most state laws will not allow your landlord to evict your due to home sale. In fact, state laws will require the new owner to honor your lease terms. Once the house is officially sold, the old landlord is no longer your landlord. The new home buyers are now your new landlords and should be responsible for your deposits, etc. Nobody can force you to move with out properly following the terms in the lease. I would carefully review the lease to see what it says about lease termination or automatic renewal. Often, there is a condition that requires a 60 day or 30 day written notice to end the lease regardless of lease expiration date. The landlord is just as responsible to comply with those terms as you would be. Nothing else, you have right to live out the remaining contract. The eviction notice served to you by your landlord sounds frivolous and most likely has no real merit. As long as you move out on the last day of your contract, your landlord will not be able to harm your record with an eviction. Best option, is to move. |
Problem with Landlord
By anonymous
We have been living on this property for 4 years now and signed a six month lease when we first moved in. Now, keep in mind that we OWN the mobile home and rent the lot. Well now he is wanting to enforce the things on the lease and told us it only pertained to us and nobody else in the "community". Can he do that?
Edited on: Tuesday, February 5th, 2013 9:53 pm
One Response to “Problem with Landlord”
Michelle February 6th, 2013 7:07 pm |
A lease agreement is basically between you and your landlord. So if the landlord creates a different lease agreement for the other tenants then that’s his prerogative. |
Problem with landlord
By Adriana
Hi, my apt got flooded w sewar water b/c neighbor negligence, he was friend of landlord and refused to pay for damage, landlord refuse to pay me from his deposit
Edited on: Friday, September 21st, 2012 11:42 am
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Problem with landlord
By Isabel
On Saturday I went to see a basement. The landlord treat us good he also was talking to us nice and everything
Edited on: Monday, April 2nd, 2012 11:07 pm
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problem with landlord
By David
my landlord was required to tap on to the sewar that was required by pa but in the process he did not tap on my shop he only told them that he did and now i have to pay for the sewar bill that i am not even recieving. My landlord wants me to keep quiet and just pay the bill, this is not fair to me to have to pay for something i am not recieving but i dont have a lease with him so i am afraid if i do say something he will throw me out and i run my business out of this shop and i can not afford to move to anouther building what are my rights and what can i do please someone help.
Edited on: Wednesday, January 4th, 2012 8:23 pm
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problem with landlord
By Steve F.
My landlord and I dntered intoa month to month verbal agreement in feb. I am now past due rent in april and soon to be may. 525 is the rent. She says she is moving in a new tenant on May 1..locking me out of my bedroom and putiing me and my stuff in the living room. She says she can change the lock to the bedroom but not the front door and she does not have to give me proper 5 day notice or any kind of notice. I live in Prospect heights, IL Please advise! I read where she does have to give me a 5 day notice and she cannot change any of the locks.
Edited on: Thursday, November 17th, 2011 2:58 pm
One Response to “problem with landlord”
Benson May 11th, 2011 9:59 am |
There should be notice to any termination/discontinuance. Do you happen to have a written lease? If so, it would be wise to review that then bring the matter up to your landlord to fix square it out. |
Problem with landlord
By Victoria
I’m looking for advice. I have been renting for just under a year and we had 8 feet of water in our basement which resulted in loss of power. Then we had mold everywhere. And now we got the results back from our well water and it is contaminated with e coli. The landlord promised to fix everything and now that the costs are so high she is asking us to leave. She was very nice about it at first but is now with holding out security deposit she promised us to help us move out and charging us for grass to be redone due to us supposidly not cutting it and other ridiculous things. The home is unliveable at this point. No heat because she refuses to clean the heating vents from the mold and inches of dirt and no water due to the e coli. What rights and options do we have?
Edited on: Wednesday, October 12th, 2011 8:06 am
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problem with landlord
By george
i own my own mobile home,but live in a trailer lot rent is $125 per month.i had surgery last year and have been out of work every wife works but cant pay all the bills and rent mother lost her husband last year ,was in a bad car wreck ,and has custody of three young wife and i moved in with her to help out.we got way behind on the lot rent and decided to let my niece and her husband move in my mobile home to take over lot rent and pay us $100 in rent to help pay for lot rent we are behind on.the landlord says they can move in our trailer as long as they pay the sum of $225 for rent.i was under the impression that the extra $100 per month was for back rent we owe,but i just found out that the landlord want all of it for lot rent because my wife and i are so far behind.everyone else in the trailer park only pays $125 per month.this doesnt seem right to i have a valid complaint?
Edited on: Monday, September 26th, 2011 11:47 am
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Problem with Landlord
By AHolton
I need help! In may we signed on for a one year lease for a town home in Wake Forest. The guy that we are leasing from left for Saudi Arabia so he appointed an attorney to take care of all the leasing details. We moved in a realized that whomever was supposed to clean the house never did and it was filthy. I had to buy all new blinds, bleach everything, and have windows fixed because the cold air was leaking out. Also When we moved in we had to continually ask for our garbage disposal (which was 100% corroded) and dishwasher (would not clean the dishes at all) to be fixed. It took 3 weeks for that to take place. Me, my son, and my fiance were all getting sick as soon as we moved into the home so we did a mold test and it came up positive and she refused to have a professional mold test done and said I was blowing it out of proportion so I left it alone. A week ago we had a leak downstairs near the hot water heater and water leaked all under our floorboards and the water was black and nasty and smelled like sewage. I called the attorney and she came to look at the house and said she did not smell a thing and that it was the bathroom (that the toilet had been broken since we moved in and the water had sat there for months and she said it was urine) and that because we had clothes and other household items everywhere and that our floors were filthy and that we didnt clean our home. We were going to have a yard sale and so we put everything to go to storage and to sell at the yard sale downstairs so we could take it right out and we cleaned our floors once a week. Now she is saying that she can not authorize the repairs until we "hold up our side of the lease in keeping the home in living condition." This is absoultey ridiculous and I have no idea who to call. I want to get out of this house as soon as possible! It is a nightmare and has been since the moment i stepped foot in that home! PLEASE HELP!
Edited on: Sunday, June 5th, 2011 12:18 am
One Response to “Problem with Landlord”
Michelle June 6th, 2011 7:04 am |
If you want to end the lease as early as this time, you have three (3) options on that, negotiate your landlord (your landlord might agree to sign an early termination to avoid disputes between tenants, another one is to break your lease ( if you want to do this, write a letter to your landlord and keep a copy of yourself stating that you want to break your lease and the date that you are moving out, the last option is subletting in this case if you will sublet you will still be on the lease even though you will no longer be living in the apartment. Hope these three options were able to help you on what to do. Decide carefully, best thing to do first is to talk / discuss all the necessary things to your landlord. |
Problem with Landlord
By Megan Leigh
Hi All,
So I am having some issues with my Landlord. Understandably, our landlord is upset with the way we leave our backyard (dog excrements). I completely understand. But he has just slapped a letter on our door saying he wants $450 within 24 hrs to fix it up. I have already paid $500 in a pet deposit. Is this legal? My other issue is that he lives in the garge that is connected to the house. Is that allowed? And also is he allowed to come onto our roof without notice? There have been several occasions that we will hear him on our roof without giving us any notice so he can fix whatever leaks that are going into his garage. Please let me know if there is anything we can do to protect us from this.
Edited on: Monday, April 18th, 2011 1:09 pm
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problem with landlord
By milah
I am renting an illegal apartment in a city owned building where no one pays rent., because the city conficated the building from the owner due to unpaid taxes and the city is has been trying to sell it for a while now. However I am paying rent to the previous renter of the apartment. And now she is demanding rent when I have to pay for repairs myself. We also dont have any heat or hot water. when I confronted her about it, she said that the heat and hot water is through the city. And now she and her daughter comes over everytime I get paid for rent. What should I do?
Edited on: Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011 8:33 pm
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