Problem with land lord not doing repairs

By Bridget Garcia

Dera Sir/Madam,


I would like to know my rights concerning a continuing problem that I have with my current Apartment complex management. I have lived here for two years and I am in my second winter. Last winter my heater broke down daily and me and my family faced 30 degree weather sometimes for days in our appartment waiting for repair. At times they would provide a small space heater or two and we would have to seal off a room and seek comfort there to stay warm. Since we depended on the tiny space ehater for warmth, it ran non-stop nearly daily. This year when it broke they replaced it with a brand new heater. Tonight i am sitting here with out heat again. They say that air builds up in the lines so thats why it goes out all the time. I like living here but it seems a bit much and costly utility wise due to this problem. I also have a dishwasher that has never worked and they keep saying it does work, but it dosen’t. What are my rights and am I due any compensation for high utilities or my suffrage.


sorry for bad spelling,

Bridget Garcia

Edited on: Friday, November 26th, 2010 7:54 pm

One Response to “Problem with land lord not doing repairs”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 12th, 2011 1:46 pm

The endless utility war! :) I suggest to talk directly to your landlord and bring a copy of your lease. Before that review your lease first. As far a any other leases concern, a tenant should report any issues to the landlord to have it fixed. I read somewhere at the RPA site that you can file a complaint through them. Hmmm.. Here’s the link just indicate the issue as wel. Hope this helps.


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