Problem with constant noise,

By in the first flloor, I have not ONE SECOND  of peace and quiet. The people upstairs have 2 TWO  dogs and 2 TWO 

kids. The constant running back and forth, ALL DAY LONG. The night mare starts at 530 am. I dont get up untill 630 or 7 am. 
I weent to the office to complian, asked them to come and listen, they call the people upstairs the dogs were going crazy. I went again but the woman gave the speech about "how people had different tolerance levels to noise. I moved here 5 weeks ago. I am ready to LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is there any law that is on my side? 

Edited on: Sunday, February 12th, 2012 6:07 pm

One Response to “Problem with constant noise,”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


February 22nd, 2012 4:46 pm

this usually happens to one of at least 20 tenants and its your right to bring this issue to your landlord until they take any action. if the landlord wont take action, i guess you may break your lease early due to habitability issue. im not sure about the law but you may file a complaint if you want.


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