problem with apartment

By Keysha+-

The apartment that I am living in has a smell of strong gas outside when I leave in the morning it is very strong and in the evening. I called Consumer energy about this but first I called my apartment office in which there lazy maitance people came out and said there was not a problem. So I called Consumer energy which is the gas company in my area and they came out and found a problem with gas leaking. So this problem has gone on for about a year and I still smell gas, From what the apartment people are saying is that the smell is coming and rising out of the vents..???? came home from dinner to smell it again and my neighbor called consumer energy again in which the company smell’d it evn stronger and informed us that the problem is coming from one of the apartment furnace and need to be check and Fix’d, Nothing was done the apartment complex office lied and said that they called a heating and cooling person they never show’d up at all. I am having a great deal of problems with this apartment and will be moving soon very soon.. Is there anyone in my city that I can call regarding this matter  Because they simply will not and refuse to check into this matter.. Thank You.

Edited on: Sunday, January 8th, 2012 2:37 pm

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