Pregnant with mold


I have been renting a house for 6 months and have had several problems already such as roots growing through pipes and backing up causing overflowing of sinks toilets and bath tubs. This same problem has happened about 4 times and every time she seems to put a bandaid on the problem. We now have a problem with mold. We first discovered it about a month and a half ago. We notified the landlord and she came to the house with a bottle of deluted bleach and a towel and wiped it off the walls. I am pregnant and have been told i should not be in the house because of the problems it can cause healthwise in me and my baby. after she wiped it off the walls we are still finding mold appearing in new places such as on our shoes in corners and behind our bed. I notified her again and she says someone will be out to "fix" the problem but i have talked to an environmentalist and he said that in order for the problem to be completely fixed we would have to move all of our stuff out and she will have to have professionals come fix the problem. In the mean time we are not staying in the home, but she still expects rent. I just dont feel that this house is safe for my child to be in, what can I do?

Edited on: Wednesday, February 8th, 2012 7:05 pm

One Response to “Pregnant with mold”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


February 23rd, 2012 6:35 pm

Most tenants don’t know this but it i the landlord responsibility to make sure the sanitary installations are working fine and make sure that the apartment is reasonably clean. Now, about moving out, can’t you just stay in another room while the people are fixing one location? If you will have to move out for a while, I guess it’s safe to say that you shouldnt pay rent for that time. If you still have issues with the landlord feel free to file a complaint in RPA


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