
By biggfish33

We have lived in our apartment for over a year, we have been accused by the manager, of having a dog and letting it defficate in the grassy area in front of our building several times thence we moved in. We didn’t have a dog, and when we asked the manager to stop blaiming the messes on us, and to stop leaving the threatening letters on our door, she becomes very angry and boligerante. She has called me a lier to my face, and has bad mouthed my wife and son to others on the complex. When I have repeatedle pointed out that we do not have a dog, she again says I am lieing and says I need to prove I don’t have one,,not really sure how to do that. We recently had to have a small potty trained dog come stay with use do to a family member haveing a serious emergency. I offered to pay the security deposite the monthly pet fee and get renters insurance, but she refusses to accept it, and has now issued a 10 day notice to remove the dog or be evicted. The day after she gave the 10 day notice(today) she started demanding we let her know exactly what we are going to do by tomorrow at 5pm, or else. Her exact words. The dog is not ours to give away to the pound, we have no idea when the actual owner will be able to take the dog, and have no where to put it. The rules on the property are dogs are allowed with a deposite, monthly pet rent, renters insurance and the dog must be belowe 30 lbs. We meet all these requirments and yet she is refussing to accept the money.

Edited on: Thursday, May 24th, 2012 11:52 pm

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