Partial deposit returned

By Ben marshall

I moved out the residence at the end of August after giving my 30 day notice. Upon moving out, the landlord did a walk through and he stated, " The place looks great!" Now three months later after my constant calls and text, he sends a email stating he’ll only return $350 of the $1150. He states I didn’t move furniture out of the property and charged me as well the labor for labor and storage. Bogus! I moved all of the contents out and a few of the items left were put out by myself when the city picks up our bulky trash a couple days later. These items were outside on the back patio. I shampooed all the carpets as a courtesy and he still charged me $75 for one room to be cleaned which is supposed to be normal wear and tear anyway. What should I do? I reside in Dallas, Texas. Help?

Edited on: Thursday, November 29th, 2012 9:09 am

One Response to “Partial deposit returned”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


November 29th, 2012 11:14 am

It’s good that you gave a 30 days notice and moved out from apartment within that period of time, Make sure that you have cleaned and did all stuff neat and tidy at their place when leaving, You are getting 800$ less amount in your hand, which is very much large amount to be loose. Of course your first step would be to be approaching your landlord, however if he is not listening take up a help of good rental agency, because going to court is expensive and also should be a last resort. Go ahead with RPA help, My friend was facing a big difficult rent problem. and they helped him in good possible way. You can file a complaint with them


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