Parkside Apartments
By Frustrated renters
We stayed at Pakside Apartments on a 4 months lease, out of these four months bed bugs treatment was done twice in our apartment. Now we have been asked to pay the treatment charges after almost a month since we left the place. First treatment was done during 2nd month and second treatment was during 4th month, we should not be held responsible for bed bugs. I feel this is done just to avoid deposits refund. We started getting bed bug bites from the 1st week itself, however we waited for couple of weeks thinking of some allergic possibilities. Once we were sure about bed bug bites we approached leasing office manager, that time we were told that the treatment charges would not be on us. 2nd treatment was done when we were on notice period for lease termination, not sure why the treatment was done 2nd time as we were not facing any bed bugs issues. Even for 2nd time treatment we were not informed about any charges. After almost a month upon lease termination when we are expecting deposits refund, we have received a mail from parkside apartments to pay dues rather than deposits refund.When landlord was approached through complaint they refused to cooperate to reply to our complaint.Please avoid renting this apartment if you value money and health.
Please check the below link to view details of our complaint-
Edited on: Friday, March 1st, 2013 3:44 pm
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