
By Jesscia

I just recieved a notice on my door and it statrs, "Due to limited parking, carports are required for each renewal if available: Your new monthly carport fee is $25.00." I don’t pay for a carport now. Can they really force me to pay for a space? Also, they are raising my rent. I pay $740.00 now and they are increasing it to $755.00. My neighbor. who has only lived there for 6 months and i have been here for almost two years, says that her new rate is $720.00. Why is her rent so much cheaper than mine when I have lived here longer? My complex doesn’t take Section 8.

Edited on: Tuesday, February 15th, 2011 10:54 am

3 Responses to “Parking”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


July 1st, 2010 10:10 pm

Hey Jessica,

The sad truth is that your landlord can charge you as much as they want, regardless of what other units are going for. This is a common concern when rents are on the decline… Other tenants will see that the rent amount advertised is lower than their rent, thus creating some emotions. Rental rates are made between you and your landlord. There are only a few places where the government mandates how much rent can be charged. Those controlled areas are called rent control areas and only known to exist in heavily populated areas where rental rates are high due to the demand. (Such as San Fransico or New York)

As for your carport issue… Again, there is no law that requires apartment complexes to provide parking. In fact, many places have little to no parking. (especially in big cities) Your landlord can and will charge for parking if they can. Most often parking spaces are free or provided at no extra cost, but not always.

The best way to look at this is to think of a lease renewal as a brand new arrangement, just as though you were moving into a new place. Everything is negotiable, but ultimately if you don’t like the new terms, move.


July 1st, 2010 10:13 pm

I don’t know what the laws are about charging for parking spaces?? But I can tell you that where I live I’ve always had to pay for parking. $25 seems about right. They can’t force you to pay the new rent increase or additional parking fee since you are the one that decides whether to stay or move. I know moving stinks.

Good Luck :)


July 2nd, 2010 2:12 am

Just to confirm what these other 2 have stated. Yes you can be charged for parking spaces. It seems odd that they are suddenly charging you. But it is their right.


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