Paid Security Deposit, Lease Arrives 3 Weeks Later with Wrong Terms

By Cate

Three and a half weeks ago, my roommate and I put down a security deposit on an apartment in the amount of $500.  It was specifically referred to as a security deposit and not a holding feeing.  We paid application fees and it took FOREVER for the lease to show up.  I emailed the leasing agent three times over the 3.5 weeks, and my roommate called once.  The agent just kept putting it off and off, repeatedly saying it would come in a few days each time.  When we toured the apartment, we were told we could park in the attached garage and that the leases are for 12 months.  Finally when the lease showed up I realized it was only for 10 months, and that nothing about parking was mentioned.  I sent an inquiry about why the sort lease and no parking.  Turns out they only due 10 month leases because they want to vacate the apartments on 6/30 of the following year (the like to rent to students, I am a professional), and the garage is full so there is no parking.  Both of these things were not mentioned in all of the communication spent inquiring about the whereabouts of the lease and after the tour.  I made it very clear I wanted garage parking, and now that is not an optiont (although the leasing agent said there was a waiting list but 22 other people had priority over me.) I asked that the lease be extended, and if that was not possible that we would like to not sign the lease and get the deposit refunded.  Are they required to return the deposit?

Edited on: Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013 7:52 am

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