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Mouse Problem in Apartment

anonymous | Saturday, October 19th, 2013 6:51 am

Hi Everyone,  I am a tenant at a community in Dublin, CA and since day one of moving into this unit, I have been having maintenance issues. In the past eight months (since I moved into the unit in January of 2011), the maintenance team has entered my apartment more than TEN times for issues. […]

Who should pay?

Nny | Friday, October 18th, 2013 8:35 pm

I recently discovered that I had a bed bug infestation. Not being allergic to their bites meant that I didn’t notice them until the infestation got sizable. I notified my management office and my office manager since two had been found on my desk that same day. My office manager insisted that I use their […]

Problem with another tenant smoking marijuana in Apartment Building where I live

Leah Thomas | Friday, October 18th, 2013 6:45 pm

What is my rights as a tenant who lives in grand rapids, michigan regarding another tenant in my apratment building smoking marijuana.  Marijuana smoke has been coming from this tenants apartment since they have moved in.  I wrote the instances to the leasing manager.  The leasing manager sent me a letter and said they have gotten several […]

Is who pays what my landlord’s business

Holly | Friday, October 18th, 2013 6:36 am

My roommate and I have been sharing a house for the last 3 years and have never been late with our rent or utilities.  Since November my roomate (as per our own personal agreement) has been paying for everything while I am desperately seeking a job.  We have not missed one payment and last month […]

Can my landlord do all of this?

Tenant | Thursday, October 17th, 2013 6:24 pm

In regards to 9812 Ruggles Street and the property of Joey Kruse.  Joey Kruse allowed a vagrant to stay with her and while he did he stole money from me as well as destroyed some of my personal property (my car tailight) She continually brought him back after swearing she wouldn’t. She would drink at […]

Breaking Lease Due to Noise Problems

anonymous | Thursday, October 17th, 2013 11:34 am

              The Metro Apartments, Denver, CO We have lived here since January 2013 and our lease us up in January 2014. The complex is very noisy and most of the tenants are college students who like to party at all hours of the day and night. To make matters worse, we got a new upstairs […]

Countertop Replacement Security Deduction

anonymous | Thursday, October 17th, 2013 6:10 am

So, there was a small burn on the countertop in our kitchen; I believe the countertop was standard formica, but I’m not entirely certain – at any rate, it was a wooden frame with a thin waterproof countertop. The burn was small, so I didn’t do anything to remove or repair it before moving out […]

Will my apartment manager be notified

tb2013 | Thursday, October 17th, 2013 12:40 am

My unit was searched by the sheriff which my apartment manager is aware of (they let the police in). The sheriff did not disclose why the search warrant was given. A small amount of marijuana was found and a citation was issued. My question is, how will my apartment manager find out if anything was […]

management entering my apartmet at will

kiki | Wednesday, October 16th, 2013 9:35 pm

 1. I live in an income capped community. Managment has just stated that they can enter any apartmen at any time without tenant’s permission. For the last year they have given notices once a month so they can enter your apartment with out your permission or whether you can be home or not. They don’t go in […]

Legal Question

aerickson | Wednesday, October 16th, 2013 6:02 pm

my roommate moved in with me and verbally agreed to pay rent but never did, can I press charges? She lived with me for about two months, and never got a job, but was always home, so my electric bill skyrocketed. would my claim hold up, if i have proof via a facebook message that […]

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