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Renters rights

Chris | Monday, November 25th, 2013 3:57 pm

Immediately upon moving into our apartment we notice a 10 degree difference in room temperature from onside of the unit to the other. We complained due to the fact we both work from home, I use the den space, my husband uses the spare bedroom. To heat the one side, makes it unbearable on the […]

landlord let bed bug infestation go on 6 months

Tammy | Monday, November 25th, 2013 9:44 am

In May 2013,my neighbor told the landlord she had bed bugs. her cousin was living with her and he moved in with her,from an infested home. The landlord did not have her apartment inspected until 4 or 5 months later.She was not scheduled for extermination until Sept 10th (I saw the extermination instruction paper with […]

new move in to find out bedbugs

bedbug nightmare | Monday, November 25th, 2013 3:47 am

I moved into an apartment 3 weeks ago. The second day in the new place I wake up to find bites all over my arms and legs, and blood trails on my sheets – we dicover the apartment has bedbugs.  When we moved in, the landlord made my roommate and I sign a waver stating […]

Apartment Complex lies

Matt Born | Sunday, November 24th, 2013 3:46 pm

before singing the lease i was promised of a benefit the apartment complex gives to tenants which is if you pay your rent early (like the first 10 residents) on the due date you receive 100 dollar discount, after a couple of weeks when i first full rent was due i asked about this benefit […]

Any way to ease financial obligation?

PIA College Rental | Sunday, November 24th, 2013 9:03 am

We live in Wisconsin, approximately 55 miles from the college my daughter got accepted to this past fall. The school requires students who live more than a certain number of miles away to live "on campus."  This school uses an apartment building approx. 3 miles from the school for student housing. So my daughter was required […]

Neighbor from hell

hiddenwindowsol | Sunday, November 24th, 2013 3:42 am

I have the neighbor from hell. I have lived in this apartment for the last 3 + years he has been making my life a living hell. I was working as an independent contractor from home as a Virtual Assistant. My neighbor, who is also the caretaker of the building, Gets drunk and rowdy 7 […]

Landlord lied when asked if there was anthing that could cause me to move in under 5 years

Benavente | Saturday, November 23rd, 2013 3:33 pm

My landlord persued me to rent his home with shop while he moved to another state to seek employment. His business went under due to the bad economy. I own and operate a small business and had a secure house and shop established and was doing fine. Well after several attempts over the course of […]

Working on my rental house

David Adkins | Saturday, November 23rd, 2013 1:27 pm

My renters have been given a 3 day notice and a 30 day notice to move out of my rent house for not paying rent for 2 months. They have been told to move out by November 30 2013. I have informed them in writing that the house will undergo a complete kitchen and bath […]

can a landlord do this?

dmonty | Saturday, November 23rd, 2013 7:16 am

.I moved into an apt exactly a year ago, the landlord wanted a sec deposit of 1100.00. which i wave paid 600, 00 of. about a week after moving in the oven did not work, it has to be lite by myself turned on, but the fire does not go up to cook anything in […]


Loobird | Saturday, November 23rd, 2013 3:23 am

AMAZING RENTER NO PROBLEMS REPORTED. PROBLEM: Paid $85 for a ‘security deposit/insurace plan’ covered up to like $500 when we moved in. Upon moving out I now owe $320 AFTER all my rent and utilities is paid. they DID NOT TELL US we needed to SUPER clean our apt like when we moved in. when […]

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