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tired of having roach’s evewry where

tired of grossi | Tuesday, October 19th, 2010 8:17 pm

can my landlord get away with not taking care if anything? mostly the really bad roach infestation?!!

problem with previous landlord

anonymous | Tuesday, October 19th, 2010 11:50 am

I was renting a house from this privae landlord who always seemed offended when I would call her to let her know of the problems I was having renting her house.  She made a verbal statement and a written statement that it seemed that she could never please me.  They never responded within 24 hours, […]

Very ill son with confirmed issues I believe is due to mold in the house we rent

Rentahouse In MA | Tuesday, October 19th, 2010 10:41 am

My son has had confirmed biopsies for eosinophilia in his esophagus (worse at the top), sinuses (from recent sinus surgery) and a severe allergic condition in his cornea. The opthemologist and ENT says it is environmental, but the confirmed Eosinophilic Esaphagitis may indicate both environmental and food related allergies. We have a 2 year lease […]

Landlord Violations

Amber M. | Monday, October 18th, 2010 2:26 pm

Ok….so I have mulitple problems with my landlord, we have lived at our residence for 3 months and when we went to pay our rent at the end of the month my landlord went off the deep end about our neighbors, cursing and everything….threw my husband and I for a shock! After that we really […]


Hazel Hunt | Monday, October 18th, 2010 10:37 am

My Landlord was great with the heat until one day it broke down and all weekend he didn’t show until finally my Husband had called him on Sunday!!! It was freezing all our food in our fridge was frozen!!! I luckily had a space heater but it wasn’t enough!!! I’m a faithful Tenant of almost […]

Pay cut gave notice

anonymous | Sunday, October 17th, 2010 4:32 pm

I rent mobile home the park has always allowed post dated checks for lot rent. Last month I lost mom to terminal brain cancer I left a post dated ck. They ran early and I was charged a few fees almost 300 total. I also had a pay cut of 400 a month. This onth […]

Potential Landlord

Greg Kolb | Sunday, October 17th, 2010 12:16 pm

1. On Monday the 21st of July, myself and four Friends Applied for a rental approval. We Gave the Landlord $100.00 total, which covered all fees. 2. Recieved A phone call on the 22nd of July, stating that we were approved. 3. Visited the rental property in question on the 25th of July. We were […]

What does it take to replace a bulb?

A.D. | Friday, October 15th, 2010 11:58 pm

So I am a widowed mom/renter at current property since May of last year. I am definately “pro-active” when comes to caring for my son, myself and the property we riside in. I have photos that attest to the fact that previous tenants did much less “up-keep” than we do… maybe that should have been […]

Roommate is not paying her share of rent

B. D | Thursday, October 14th, 2010 11:52 pm

For the last couple of months my room mate (we are both on the lease) has been struggling to make her payments.  I found out today that she has paid only $100 towards $850 of her portion of rent.  Does anyone have ideas on how to handle this?

Security Deposit Problem

Yvette Martinez | Thursday, October 14th, 2010 4:22 pm

Hello,  I have a problem with my former landlord he kept my whole security deposit and is saying I owe $120.17.  I lived in that apartment for over a year and they used my whole deposit of $1,265.00 to redue the apartment. They repainted the whole apartment doe $625.00 and are charing me for half […]