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Unlawful Entry

Bekah | Friday, November 29th, 2013 4:31 pm

I had to go out of town on Family emergency to see my dying grandfather. When I came home to my apartment a week later, there was an abandonment notice on my door, my front door unlocked, my place gone through, the only light I left on turned off, all my food in my fridge/freezer […]

windows not sealed, major heating issue!

Sam | Friday, November 29th, 2013 12:52 pm

I live in an apartment building an my room has the very large 8 foot windows. Now that the weather is changing, I am quickly noticing that these windows are poorly sealed and my room is an icebox! I have even tried doing the clear saran-wrap looking window seal but still no improvement in the […]

Renters Rights?

Michelle | Friday, November 29th, 2013 4:26 am

It’s a long story. Winter of 2007 a “friend” of my boyfriend needed a place to stay while she looked for a new apartment.  We cleared this with our landlord who said “hey man, the more people the easier to pay your bills” however we didn’t get it in writing because we were naive.  When […]

Landlord/Tenant disputes

Hollie | Thursday, November 28th, 2013 4:18 pm

I have been renting a house with two responsible and clean roomates for a year. Our landlord never bothered to send our lease back with her signature even though we frequently asked. She never bothered to do a LOT of things since she lives across the country and does not appear to care about the […]

Retaliation laws and effect

| Thursday, November 28th, 2013 4:13 am

We have had problems with our downstairs neighbors since we moved in in February. They were constantly cranking their stereo up with unbarrible base that would ratlle my tables and pictures. They are constantly partyin and being loud at all hours of the night and to top it all off our landlady and her husband […]

Problem with landlord

Summer | Wednesday, November 27th, 2013 4:11 pm

I have been living in my house since feb….the water pump under my sink busted…they fixed it not the water leaking on the carpet and them not dry vaccing it up it smells like midew…He said he was gonna replace the tub which is a very old tub with mildew on tiles thats been there […]

LAndlord issues

QHolland | Wednesday, November 27th, 2013 4:10 am

My oldest son at the time had came to stay with me a coupke of days not knowing that he was in trouble with the law. Well his last known address was where i live now. The police went into my home and questioned my 15 yr old who was only 14 at the time […]

Health Hazard

selfaware74 | Tuesday, November 26th, 2013 4:08 pm

I have notified my landlord, maintenance, attorney, and the housing authority regarding a fly infestation problem I am having in my apt.  I notified the landlord and maintenance on the 19th of August and maintenance did not come to look at the problem until the 31st of August.  Maintenance took pictures of all the dead […]


Terhera | Tuesday, November 26th, 2013 11:25 am

  I am residing in a house that rents out rooms.  I pay 450 a month any my landlord will not turn my heat on which is included in my rental.  I am going to school and my son comes and visits during the holiday’s and weekends but with the weather being so cold and me […]

I Experienced Negligence from Landlord

Tamara | Tuesday, November 26th, 2013 3:58 am

My husband and I gave my former Landlord a months notice that we were moving. While we were there we had several problems that were never addressed. Problems such as: Water in the basement due to the windows that were never put in. Which would cause a horrible smell throughout the house. Mice were becoming […]

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