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Can my landlord put a padlock on my attic

julee | Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013 10:28 am

We have rented this house for 3 years. The garage ceiling has been falling for 3 years. It was held up with wood trim and now has completely fallen.  The maintenace man said we have too much stuff in the attic most of it belongs to the owner of the home not us.  The owner […]

Can my landlord do this?

Chloe | Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013 5:06 am

Frustrated tenant I live in a large apartment complex.  Utilities were paid to a company in Florida.  Our complex was sold, so the new owners decided to collect utilites themselves.  They decided if you live in a two bedroom the cost for water and garbage was 50.00 per month.  Three bedrooms 100.00 per month.  My […]

Breaking my Lease in Rutherford Co. TN

joffoc | Monday, December 2nd, 2013 8:03 pm

Hi, my problem starts with my landlord falsley accusing me on three months of nonpayment, I have paperwork documenting all my payments and he has still filed for eviction. My biggest issue here is that I don;t want to continue living here as the landlord neglects maintenance issues and is very unresponsive about anything concerning […]

Is it legal to break a lease agreement because of medical conditions?

Tenant | Monday, December 2nd, 2013 4:55 am

A medical condition that arises after a lease agreement has been signed is something that might require huge changes on both the landlord and the tenant. Special accommodations need to be made and if they cannot be made, a lease agreement might be broken. If this the case, is it right for a landlord to […]

WI landlord randomly terminates and gives 30 days

Anonymous in WI | Sunday, December 1st, 2013 5:43 pm

My landlord surprised me with a 30 day notice of termination letter today.  She has not communicated anything in the past and I’ve had to call her numerous times for her violations: not having working smoke detectors, opening my mail, not shoveling, etc.   What can be done?  I live in Wisconsin and we have […]

can my landlord do this

flamingo | Sunday, December 1st, 2013 4:52 pm

what will happen if i left the house informing the landlord verbally one month before my lease end without a written notice that the house is infested with bed bugs ? is it lawful to use my deposit to fix the problem ?


Mike | Sunday, December 1st, 2013 2:10 pm

Hi, I am wondering if I had not been livivng in my apaprtment for nearly a month should I still have to pay the full months rent?

Spiteful Landlord threatening to sue me for making true public opinion comment about my experience living in his property

anonymous | Sunday, December 1st, 2013 4:49 am

I lived in an apartment complex over 5 years ago. The rental management property and its owner did nothing but lie to me and neglect the property the entire time I lived there. Just a few examples: I was told the apartment would be cleaned and repainted before I moved in. This NEVER happened. I […]

Washer/Dryer not fixed

Roane | Saturday, November 30th, 2013 4:42 pm

Hello,  I am in the 2nd year lease in a condo here in florida.  The landlord lives in Atlanta. In the original ad I responded to – it stated stackable washer/dryer included I have an email from the landlord that also states stackable washer/dryer included the lease does not mention washer/dryer, or any appliances for […]

small claims case against landlord ?

Penel | Saturday, November 30th, 2013 4:34 am

I’ve lived in a house for over 8 years, and have had various problems with my land lord. But the the last 14 months have had a leaking sky light, almost the whole length of my living room. Which then leaked, into my bedroom. She and her brother own the house. They finally said they […]

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