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lease renewal rights

Nick | Monday, December 16th, 2013 7:28 am

Im in college living off campus, I signed my lease for my house in may of 2010 and it does not expired till may of 2011. My landlord is harrassing me to sign a new lease for next year already in october. I have seven months left here, is this legal of him to make […]

How to terminate lease early?

Tenant | Sunday, December 15th, 2013 7:24 pm

When we talk about lease agreement, we often refer it as the contract signed between two parties that involve a tenant and a landlord.  A lease agreement is a binding contract and can be used in court. However there are also some instances wherein a tenant would want to break their lease before it even […]

Moving Expenses

Tenant | Sunday, December 15th, 2013 7:13 am

What are moving expenses? Moving expenses by definition is the amount you spend when you move from one rental unit to another. Under normal circumstances, this expense is covered by the tenant.  So, when can moving expenses are shouldered by the landlord? In some states, there are laws saying that if the lease is terminated […]

What can I do

Adam | Sunday, December 15th, 2013 3:09 am

Since the date one moved into the apartment, the molts were flying outside into bathroom, I was complaint to the landloard, the guy was so rude and said because i took hot shower made the bathroom temperature so high, therefore make them has change to breed. Later i bought some spray to kill them, only […]

My landlord want’s me out, and I got nowhere to go!

Maria Torres | Saturday, December 14th, 2013 6:53 pm

Hi, I am Maria. I reside in a room located in the Bronx. I am having problems with my landlord, and he told me that i had to get out today. My husband broke out with a rash, that wont go away. It gets better but it never gets completely cured. He is also ashtmatic, […]

How to evict an overstaying guest from my apartment?

Tenant | Saturday, December 14th, 2013 6:50 am

I’ve always thought that you’ll only get punished for doing something good when it’s a movie. But when I got stuck in a situation, I’d say good deeds also get punished in the real world. I used to have a friend who got into some financial distress. She lost her job and ultimately got evicted […]

Can my landlord do this?

cj | Friday, December 13th, 2013 6:49 pm

I signed a lease and got the keys for an apartment declaring I had 1 small dog.  My family was coming to be with me from another state.  They told me the had another small dog with them.  I called the landlord to tell her and she stated that it was a lease breaker to […]

security deposit

James Park | Friday, December 13th, 2013 1:33 pm

Hi, i lived in an same 1bedroom apartment for 4 years and a half and decided to move out. When i did move out they had charged me for all of my security deposit of $1000 for "carpet clean," "charges for cleaning needed," "damage charges."I did not have that damages to my reasonable standard of […]

Water not fit to drink

Lori | Friday, December 13th, 2013 6:39 am

 My daughter and son-in-law have 3 children. (The ogriginal owner sold the house to a man.)They are renting an older home outside of city limits,it has well water.  They have not drank the water,but I am afraid it is causing skin irritations and you know the children consum some while taking a bath. Not to mention […]

problem with propert management

N | Thursday, December 12th, 2013 6:32 pm

 I got a letter in the mail that the managers made a mistake in my lease, that in the lease we agreed on the owner to pay for the water bill and the gardner. So now i got this letter saying that it was their mistake and they want me to start paying this. Is […]

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