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JULIE FIX | Friday, December 20th, 2013 8:20 am


House Keeps Flooding Every Time it Rains

Downes | Thursday, December 19th, 2013 8:12 pm

We moved into our rental in November 2012- Since then the house has flooded 4 times – over 2 1/2 inches deep in water on average.  If we do not pump the water out of the house it would still be in the house! The landlord is out of state and is slow to respond.  […]

Can the old complex do this?

lam21 | Thursday, December 19th, 2013 8:02 am

My roommates and I moved into this apartment and the carpet was very stained and old. they said they cleaned it and they could not replace it. we asked right away if it could be replaced. we lived there for a year. no complaints and we always paid rent on time. we didn’t have pets […]

If rent realitor snoops in your house?

anonymous | Thursday, December 19th, 2013 3:22 am

 I was renting a house from a reality agent who was trying to sell the house. (He was the actual owner of the house). I had always been a good renter. Kept the place clean. Kept my yard up. No loud party’s till 3 am in the morning. No drugs; etc. I had only one occurrence […]

Can’t find my lease !

Earl | Wednesday, December 18th, 2013 7:54 pm

Been in same place for over 30 years. Signed lease for this year but mis-placed it. Landlord wants to triple the rent in April unless I can provide lease. Last years lease ran from Jan 1st to this past Jan. 1st.

Bed Bugs – Grounds for terminating a lease ?

Tenant | Wednesday, December 18th, 2013 7:50 am

I moved into an apartment in Boston one month ago.  About a week and a half ago, I found a bed bug after experiencing several bites all over my body.  I contacted our onsite management contact, and he told me that the two apartments below us have had a bed bug problem for several months.  […]


Erica | Tuesday, December 17th, 2013 7:49 pm

I have lived in my apartment for 3 months now and everything is wrong! We caught 7 mice in the month of July, my ac leaks badly, maintenance took my satellite down without any notice after saying I could place it where I did, my windows were suppose to be replaced before we moved an […]

land loard & Bedbug problem

Sara | Tuesday, December 17th, 2013 7:41 am

Hello All, I am student living in a small apartment. I recently found there are bedbugs in my apartment. I contacted land lord and they sent me an email to charge for 950$ for treatment. They accused me for bringing bugs and also told me is better to stay at home!! I am so embarrassed […]

My neighbor possibly has bed bugs. Does my Landlord have a legal obligation to tell me?

Angela | Monday, December 16th, 2013 7:36 pm

We walked out of our apt to find our neighbor across the hall had exterminators and they were in the process of sealing her door.  I went downstairs to ask my Landlord what is going on, and she said that she "Thought" she had bedbugs, but it was something else; some sort of beatle so […]

Landlord removes appliances

| Monday, December 16th, 2013 3:35 pm

There is no eviction in process, but the home is being foreclosed on, the landlords showed up without notice, entered while we were gone, and left a note stating they were taking the stove refrig.,washer and dryer. That have always been a part of the rent for the last two years. Is this leagal? what […]

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