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Excessive security deposit given

Magoo | Tuesday, December 31st, 2013 10:48 am

I rented an apartment 3 years ago and was required to pay 1st, last, 2 months security pet fee. Is this legal in Califoria? If not, what action can I take?

Promlems with land lord

jimmy shaw | Monday, December 30th, 2013 10:39 pm

My case # 23-0642  Pin# 3101 After a year of verbal request repairs, 12-12 I put my request  for repairs in writing .  12-5-12 landlord put a note in my mail box saying he was increasing my rent 1-5-13 $300.00 and still haven\\\’t done any repairs.  My question is do I pay the rent on […]

Renovation in apartment upstairs, unbearable noise!

Jake | Monday, December 30th, 2013 6:57 pm

I’ve had many problems with my landlord, but here’s the latest: I live in Alachua County, Florida, in a studio aparment in a larger studio complex.  The landlord did not notify me (and to my knowledge, anyone) of scheduled renovations in multiple units across the complex, including the unit right below me.  They woke me […]

Bad landlord

Cesar | Monday, December 30th, 2013 4:09 pm

Hello i live in a small house on the back of a house and i dont have any mailing address is that because is not registered to rented ? And i have on the side my laundry set up where after a year of been renting there i broght my washer and this landord disconects […]

Landlord ignores valet request constantly

Deborah | Monday, December 30th, 2013 10:31 am

The duplex I rent, is in bad need of repaires. The carpet is over 12years old and stained terribly. There is a ton of Black mole in my bathroom. Parts of the floor are soft and starting to cave in. My stove has been un-useable for 2 years and altho I keep asking my landlord […]

im afraid of getting kicked oit. my familly will be on the streets. please tel me my rights and the laws .

| Sunday, December 29th, 2013 10:30 pm

i have a problem.i rented a room fro my buddy and now hes moveing i allways payed him half rent and extra on the side for utites.since hes moveing he told us we de be able to rent the whole place and not move. i decide now is a good time if any to get […]

No protection?

jason | Sunday, December 29th, 2013 1:12 pm

In November I spent 3 weeks in the hospital and was diagnosed with heart failure. The hospital applied for disability on my behalf. My question has to do with my upcoming rent which I have no way of paying. I know I will be late and I know I will get an eviction notice. Is […]

Am i responsible for painting and replacing the carpet or is the land lord?

Mnoel | Sunday, December 29th, 2013 10:26 am

Hello, I have lived in my current place for 2 years and lived her prior with my father, I have noticed recently that the paint is peeling from the walls and ceiling and the carpet is starting to lift off of the floor, tack strips are uncovered and stabbing us in the foot. We have […]

lease termination notice

peach | Sunday, December 29th, 2013 5:15 am

My apartment manager posted a lease termination notice on my door on Dec 19,2013 and it siad for us to be out by dec 31 2013, thats only 12 days my lease contract says either party renter or landlord must give 60 days written notice. Can she get away with this 12 days to move […]

Heat & Electric bills when not living at the apartment. Any opinions or advice would be much appreciated!!

Jeanie | Saturday, December 28th, 2013 10:21 pm

 lost my job and had to move for a new one. I moved out of the apartment 1 month before my lease was up but still paid the rent of the month i was not there. Since i was not living there anymore I took the gas and electric out of my name. Am I […]

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