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SSD recipient/Rent Due Date doesn’t coinside with check date

jamarco | Sunday, January 5th, 2014 10:07 am

I have asked multiple times (landlord/landlord attorney’s) if they could change the date that my rent is due to coinside with when I receive my SSD check.  I receive my check every 2nd Weds of the month (SSD already said they can not change this date).  My rent is always due on the 1st of […]

Charged for a broken window (not my fault)

Spamball | Saturday, January 4th, 2014 11:57 pm

HI. I have been living in my unit for only a couple months, but I found that my window was broken into by a large rock one night when I came home. It was obvious that it was some random person. Now my landlord is charging my to pay half of the cost to fix […]

Damaged/Loose Fire Sprinkler in Closet

danielle | Saturday, January 4th, 2014 11:50 pm

I have a loose fire sprinkler located in the master bedroom closet. When I moved in I told the assistant manager during the walkthrough. When the maintenance came to try and fix it he simply said dont touch it. I am concerned that at any moment the fire sprinkler would break. I want to move […]

help.. problem with privacy….

Steve | Saturday, January 4th, 2014 9:20 pm

 I have rented an apt which i like very much..  My problem is that i  can hear EVERTHING my neighbors are doing….  i feel as if i do not have any privacy, part of the reason is a 6ft gas wall heater  with grills built in to the wall which seems to amplify the noise. […]

Unresponsive, disrespectful Property Manager Co.

Bethie2572 | Saturday, January 4th, 2014 7:55 pm

I am renting a condominium in Los Angeles County, CA through a property management company that is unresponsive, unprofessional and downright rude (he told me that "You can live with a drain in the bathroom sink" until we get to it. When I complained, the day I took possession (he would not give me a […]

MOLD & Kids

KFlores | Saturday, January 4th, 2014 11:49 am

I have been at this residence for a little over 3 years now, and was told about the "Sweaty walls" when I moved in. But over the past month it has been bad! I found about a 6in square in my closet where the all is wrinkled and my shoes boxes that were there where […]


brenda anderson | Saturday, January 4th, 2014 8:32 am

I live a a single family dwelling with my children. There are baseboard heaters but no thermostat in the whole  house. Are thermostats a requirement in a rented property. I pay my own heating. And it is so cold in the house. I can only turn the heaters to hi or lo even on hi it is still very […]

Is landlord responsible for high utilities?

| Friday, January 3rd, 2014 11:45 pm

I rent in Pa and first noticed a problem with my heat two months ago when it wouldn’t turn on and my landlord sent some awful repairmen to "fix" it.  It seemed to be running a lot, but I’m not home very much and didn’t think much of it.  Until I got a $175 electric […]

Noise complaints, unable to rent new apartment

grayanon | Friday, January 3rd, 2014 2:47 pm

Hello. This post isn’t about me but somebody I know. Their roommate was very loud and recieved many complaints from the neighbors. Now, the time comes for them to both move, and they both apply for different apartments run by the same company, For some reason the ‘noisy neighbor’ had no problem getting the new […]

Newlandlord raises rent by 100%

Ricky Anand | Friday, January 3rd, 2014 11:32 am

My lease was not renewed because building was sold to a new owner. Now the new owner want’s to raise the rent by 150%. Is this legal for him to do that

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