Overcharging for utilities

By anonymous

I just moved into a house that has a landlord that maintains several rental properties. When we moved in, we were told utilities would be in the $250-$300 (we only have electric – water is from a well), but our neighbor informed us (she has the same landlord) that he is shady and overcharges for utilities. When we were looking at the house, we asked why the last tenents moved out and were told "I don’t know." It turns out they left because they were being charged $900/mo for utilities, and there were only 2 people in the house. The other renter called our electric company, and was told the same amount we were told – so the last renters were being overcharged by $600- $650/mo. Is there anything that we can do if we are faced with the same problem once our first electric bill comes (we keep the heat really low anyways – about 65 degrees)?

Edited on: Monday, December 20th, 2010 7:36 am

One Response to “Overcharging for utilities”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 12th, 2011 12:09 pm

In my case before I found out my landlord was tapping in into my meter. If is there’s a way for you to check that it could be the answer to this. Talking to your landlord about it is always the best remedy.


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