overcharged for water

By sv

The landlord and decided to put in the new lease that 1 bdrm pay $25 a month and 2 bdrm pay $35 per month for water, sewage and trash.  I have checked with the city and my water & sewer would be around $13. per month.  The trash is picked up 1 or twice a week from the dumpster.

Also I have a 2 bdrm with only me in it.  There are 1 bdrms the same size with 2 people in them.  There is no print out proving usage, no seperate water meters.  
Is it legal to charge such an large amount for water, sewage and trash.  Other complexes in the area received print outs and it is metered on each building.  It is also charged for the square footage.

Edited on: Friday, March 1st, 2013 3:01 pm

One Response to “overcharged for water”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


March 1st, 2013 7:26 pm

If these have been outlined in the lease agreement and you have read about them and you still signed then it’s legally binding. What you can do next is to check your state tenant laws to determine if there is any clause that says each apartment must have its own meter. That’s the only way that you can go after your landlord. Good luck!


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