Outrageous move-out charges
By MeLvIs
I just moved out my old apartment complex owned by "empirian property management" and I’ve to say by far this is the worse company I ever rented an apt with. I moved in this apt on 12/2008 when I moved in I paid a pet fee but I didn’t paid any deposit(because my credit is decent). The office in the place is a mess, they try to trick me when I renewed my lease for 7 months, they put my move out date for the 22 July/10 but I caught that and requested that they changed to 31st but the lady trick me anyway, she changed me move-in reservation for the 31 but on my lease paperwork she left was it was. This new manager called me on the 23 to say that I should move-out but I wasn’t at home at the moment when I got home nobody was left at the office. It’s 10:30 AM the office is supposed to be open daily from 8am to 6pm. I stayed the whole day at home that day and nobody came back. It was Friday, so on the following Monday, I explained the whole situation and the manager was very harsh to me saying that I would have to move out, so I replied on the same level saying that they charged me for the whole month anyway and that I would stay there because me move-in-reservation said so. Making a longer story shorter, I’d no problem staying there until the 30th(the day that I was going to move out anyway). On the same monday that I spoke with manager, I made my self clear that I would move out on Friday and that I expected somebody to be in the office on that day, she confirmed that she would be. When I got my Uhaul all packed, guess what nobody was at the OFFICE. They even have a sister community and they didn’t have anybody there as welll. It as 2:30pm. So, I left a note for them to mail me the bill. I just got my bill today and they want to charge me $756 for my moving-out fee. The biggest fee is for the carpet replacement due CAT and DOG URINE. My cat and dog never URINES in the carpet. I paid a $300 pet fee when I move in and they not even considering it. Also, I paid $9 for 19 months for pet rent. I understand a 87.50 for cleaning & dmg to the apt. But, 658 for carpet in a one bedroom apt. I can’t really have a conversation with them they are very rude and never help me out. Any idea how to defend myself? thx for u time.
Edited on: Friday, December 10th, 2010 11:12 pm
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