Notice of rent increase – or vacate


I rent month to month in a complex where I have been renting for 13 years; my most recent lease expired four months ago.

I just received notice of rent rate increase effective in nine days (the first of the month); if I choose not to renew, I was notified that I could vacate, but that I am required to give 60 days notice of intent to vacate.

Is this legal in Indiana?  As a renter, do I not have the right of at least 30 days notice of intent to increase rent?  As it is, this is a no-lose situation for the property management firm – they get an to hit me with a rent rate increase of $50 per month to remain month to month if I decide to vacate, or I sign a new lease at the increased rent rate.  There doesn’t seem to be any consideration for the tenant.

Thank you.

Edited on: Monday, August 1st, 2011 6:11 am

2 Responses to “Notice of rent increase – or vacate”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


April 19th, 2011 5:49 pm

The question is in regards to Indiana law. Thank you.

C. Hunts

February 20th, 2012 3:41 pm

I am wondering the same. I am renting month to month and my landlord left a note informing me my rent will be increased $250 starting the first. I would think he would have to at least give me 30 days notice.


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