Notice of Property Inspection
By Wendy
Our landlord announced in March 2010 that he was putting the house that we rent up for sale. He entered the home with the real estate agent once without our permission and then the real estate agent entered the property again without out permission. Needless to say, we have since not been the most cooperative. Today, we arrive at our home at approximately 4pm to find a final notice of property inspection both on our front door and in our mailbox mailed via usps. The notice is fro a third party rental property management company who we have no knowledge of their role of representation of our landlord. We contact the rental management company in writing immediately and state that we have not received proper legal notification and request notification before anybody enters the property and so on. The management company immediately emails me back and states that they were asked to provide us with notification on behalf on our landlord and the real estate agent and that since the notice on the door was dropped off between 9am and 10am it is considered 24 hour reasonable notice. I email back stating that my lease and legal agreement is with the landlord and not their company and thus, will not oblige to their inspection until given proper notification. I tell them that any attempt to eneter the property will force me to call the proper authorities. I also called their company but it was after hours so I left a message repeating what I stated in the letter. Does anybody have any insights on this situation??? Do I have any rights?
Edited on: Tuesday, September 21st, 2010 4:22 pm
One Response to “Notice of Property Inspection”
anonymous June 8th, 2010 11:16 pm |
You’re only making the situation worse. Its not going to do you any good to be a b*tch. I mean come on. They clearly represent your landlord, thus you have NO right to change the laws by stating that their notice is not valid when it clearly is according to state statute. They have given you notice, so work with them. |
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