non functioning sewer is that legal?

By living with waste

We live in milan il  at Oak Grove Trailor Park. In Dec 2012 the sewer stopped functioning .I called the manager 

. The park owners came out looked at it said it was our resposability to fix . NO.I knew better.The sewer is theirs on the lot we rent.
I had to call the health dept and state inspector to get them to call a plumber.We went 6 days w/o a functioning sewer in December.
The owners were suppose to clean up the waste and put lime down as well . that did not happen.
There is a broken pipe the plumbers told us until they fix that or this will keep happening ..
Here it is Feb 2013 and the same thing is happening . It has been 10 days as of now that the owners of this park have been making us live with a non functioning sewer.Waste under our home. I have been in contact with the state inspector .I’m wondering do i have to pay the lot rent for an uninhabitable lot ? I also wonder how they are getting away with this w/o fines daily unil it’s repaired and cleaned up or having their lisenses to operate a business revoked ? We need  help  please .

Edited on: Thursday, February 14th, 2013 8:17 am

One Response to “non functioning sewer is that legal?”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


February 14th, 2013 5:52 pm

Withholding your rent is a lengthy process that involves the clerk of court. So unless you are cleared by the clerk of court to withhold rent then you can; otherwise, you need to keep paying rent. If you have already called the health department, was an inspector sent out and if so, was there a written order to have the sewer fixed? Usually for issues like these, the landlord will be given a specific time frame to get the problem resolved, otherwise the state will have them pay for penalties and fines. If you have already informed the health department and still nothing has been done, you can file for a complaint to prompt your landlord to act on the waste. RPA has that option through their complaint center.


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