noisy pipes not mentioned in the lease

By lyndsay j

I went to the leasing office on january 23 at 10:30 am to sign the contract, I read over it and initialed at the bottom of every page. No where in the contract does it say anything about the noise that the pipes make when hot water is turned on in the building. After i signed the contract and gave them two money orders one for $375 for the deposits and $889 for the prorated week and for february’s rent. After I left the leasing office I met a realtor at the apartment itself and he gave me the keys to the apartment we walked through and took pictures and wrote down any type of damage that the previous renter and done. Thats when I first heard the ticking sound that the pipes were making in the ceiling above me. I said to the realtor," does that sound happen all of the time?" and he said only when the hot water is turned on from any of the other units in the building. As we continued to do the walk through in the bedroom I heard the loud ticking and clacking noise again and this time it lasted for awhile. Wes had to leave to make another appointment and I started moving some stuff in from my car. When I heard the noise for the third time I called my dad and he told me to talk to them and ask about the noise, I called them but their offices were closed by this time and no one answered. I let the realtor know about my issues and they tried telling me that the noise would go away in the summer and that I would get use to it. But there is no way that I would be able to sleep with that noise going on every ten minutes it seemed. I moved all of my stuff out and left the keys and then this morning went back to the leasing office to discuss the options. In order for me to not have to stay in the lower apartment they said I could possibly rent one on the third floor. They showed me the unit upstairs and said they are waiting for the gentleman living in it now to move out they don’t know when that will be and that they want to increase the rent amount to $775 to help pay for the carpet that they put into the lower apartment. I can not afford to pay $775 a month and do not feel it is my responsibility to pay for the carpet because they did not disclose any carpet payment in the lease as well as anything the about the noise. What can I do they will not let me out or let me pay the same amount for a different apartment that doesnt have the noise… what are my options? thank you so much!! 

Edited on: Wednesday, January 25th, 2012 4:15 am

One Response to “noisy pipes not mentioned in the lease”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


March 30th, 2012 10:31 am

i have the same problem, my pipes are so loud i can feel the floor vibrate and it keeps me up all night forcing me to stay out of the bedroom at night due to the noise. im going to the office building today to talk to somebody about the problem for the third time, i refuse to keep feeding these scumbags money if they can not even fix or consider this issue. its been like this since day one.


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