Noise that come with living in an apartment – Deal with it!!

By Shoeless Joe


I recently moved into a beautiful 1br that I really enjoy.  The only problem with it is my downstairs neighbor.  The apartment has hard wood floors and since I just moved in I havent fully furnished the place.  I do plan on putting in a few runners and area rugs, but that will come in time. 

My downstairs neighbor came to my door to complain about me wearing shoes in the house.  I normally do not wear shoes in the house unless it’s the few minutes before I’m leaving to work.  You know, just doing basic last minute things before leaving for the day.  He was nice at first, so I responded with kindness, apologized, told him that I’d just moved in and havent fully furnished the place and told him that I’d wait until the last minute to put on my shoes.

 This morning I did just that.  I was very conscience of making noise, so did not put on my shoes until the last minute.  I gently walked to the kitchen to get a glass of water, then pick up my cell phone and bag and I was walked to the door.  Guess who was standing there, with a look on his face as if someone had just killed his puppy!!

 Long story short I basically told him that when you live in an apartment, there is a certain level of noise that comes with the territory and that I was being as considerate as possible. I grew up in an apt. and have lived in the city most of my life.  I hear the people upstairs, but unless they are banging around I ignore them.

 This guys is getting to the point where he is harrassing me and effecting my quality of life in my new place.

 What to do??  I’m well within my right to wear shoes!!  Nothing in the lease specifies that I have to put rugs in, so he’s just gonna have to deal with it right!!!??!!

 Shoeless Joe!

Edited on: Friday, September 6th, 2013 9:31 pm

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