noise complaints against me

By Robert

I moved into my apartment last year (Meridian apartments in Austin Texas). I live on the 2nd floor. I’m pretty quiet and try to avoid making noise. I wear headphones, walk as softly as I can and am usually in bed if I am at home. Well over the past year my neighbor downstairs has been complaining that I am making too much noise despite all I have been doing to be quiet. She talked to me twice and then started talking to our leasing office people and I have since received 3-4 letters of noise complaints against me (which I am certain are all from her).

 I don’t really know what the rules are or penalties of noise complaints. I am a very quiet person so I did not pay much attention to it when signing me lease. Now though I am worried about possible actions taken against me from legal actions to fines or evictions or whatever. I’m not certain what to expect if this keeps up.


I am actually afraid to walk around in my own apartment and get up to go to the bathroom now because "its too loud" according to my neighbor downstairs. I do get home from work late at night so I believe her when she says she’s hearing me but at the same time theres nothing more I can do to minimize the noise. Also keep in mind I am ex-military and know a thing or two about quietly sneaking around from deployments.


Is there a harassment thing I can do or a counter thing I can do against her complaints so my leasing office people don’t take action against me if this keeps up? Please advise. :(

Edited on: Thursday, December 5th, 2013 2:27 am

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