New Landlord, Big Rent Increase against Lease

By Sanaz Sattari


The landlord for the current apartment I have a lease for just emailed me today that is I want to renew my lease the new rent will be $900, while right now I pay $775. My lease clearly states that the rent increase is at most %3, so this has left me in a bind as how to approach the situation. He is renting the other apartments in the complex for around $900 but they are all renovated while mine is still old since we were living there when he started renovations. He alos has the wrong lease end date apparently and is cutting one month from our lease. What should I do? 
Should I let him know that as the new landlord he’s bound to the old lease as he never sent a new one, and he can’t increase the rent that much?

Please help. 

Edited on: Wednesday, October 2nd, 2013 1:30 pm

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