New Landlord

By anonymous


Recently our duplex was sold to a new owner. His property managment wants us to complete a new credit check sign a new lease. Is this allowed? Our previous lease was month to month and we do not want to get into a lease as we will be buying a home in the next few months.


Edited on: Sunday, April 26th, 2015 7:40 pm

One Response to “New Landlord”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


April 19th, 2013 12:45 am

Since your rental unit belongs to another landlord and you do not have a year lease then yes the new owner has the right to run a new credit check on you and let you sign a new lease. I think the best you can do id to talk to the new owner about your intention of buying a home and that if it is possible that you can just have a monthly lease and not a year lease. There is really no harm in talking politely right? Goodluck!

new landlord

By carletta leake

              I have a question. My rent is $600.00. On 2/5/13 I prepaid my rent for the amount of $2400.00, to the property management my landlord at the time dealt with. I recently found out that on 2/22/13 the property had been sold. My new landlord is holding me responsable for the rent that I already prepaid. And the property management is saying I have to deal with the previous owner because they no longer have the money. What do I do?

Edited on: Tuesday, March 12th, 2013 8:36 am

No Responses to “new landlord”

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