Neighbor from hell

By hiddenwindowsol

I have the neighbor from hell. I have lived in this apartment for the last 3 + years he has been making my life a living hell. I was working as an independent contractor from home as a Virtual Assistant. My neighbor, who is also the caretaker of the building, Gets drunk and rowdy 7 days a week 365 days a year. He will play LOUD, to the point of knocking paintins off the walls, music until 4 am sometimes up until 6 am My Landlord has been aware of the problem since at least 2003. He has attempted to kick a hole through our adjoining wall to attempt to try to assault me. He has hurled rocks, literal rocks not pebbles or small rocks but large ones. In the last 10 months the police have been called over 50 times. HE has hurled every imaginble insult at me.  Is there any thiing I can do to remedy this situation? Are there any legal options avalible?

Edited on: Sunday, November 24th, 2013 3:42 am

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