Need to break lease
By RJUnited
My husband and I are seniors. We just rented a house in March on a 12 month lease. We told the realator when we signed the lease that my husband might be transfering within the next 3 to 6 months. She said that it would be okay as long as we could give her 3o days notice. Well the time has come. Now, however I don’t think the property manager wants to let us out of our contract. Is there anything that we can do to get out of this lease? Do you have any suggestions. I don’t think they will have any trouble renting this house in Gallup, NM. It is a nice area of Gallup.
Edited on: Saturday, April 20th, 2013 8:01 pm
One Response to “Need to break lease”
Glenn April 24th, 2013 1:40 am |
Since you already told your landlord your intention of moving after 3 to 6 months even before you signed the lease agreement and your landlord told you to just give a written notice then you have to serve her with a 30-days written notice to vacate the property. You can also try looking for a new tenant to rent the unit by the time you move out so that your landlady will let you off the hook. If things won’t work out then you can ask assistance from a lawyer to help you out. |
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