My roommate rejects every subletter I propose

By Penelope

I had lived in the same apartment for two years when I took a new roommate this year. It became obvious from Day 1 that we weren’t getting along. Finally, she became so hostile and combative that I had to move out. According to my lease, though, I can’t get off the lease until my roommate accepts the person to whom I choose to sublet. I keep finding nice, respectful, considerate girls close to her age who want to move in, but she rejects them all with flimsy excuses. Now she has finally found one she likes, but that girl can’t move in for two more months. So she wants me to keep paying rent for those two months — even though I’m now paying rent on a new place. Is this fair? Is it legal? Is there any limit to how long I should be expected to keep paying when I’ve found appropriate replacements?  

Edited on: Saturday, November 13th, 2010 8:37 pm

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