My noisy grandkids Are 4 & 5
By Butterfly4Him
We just moved to another complex, and apartment in September.
We were shown a 2 bedroom on the 2cnd. floor, the only one available.
Just to cut to the chase, we love the apartment, it has a deck, and
it is pretty big, and nice.
The problem has started and just exascerbates every day, in that, the woman below
us, is complaining of my loud, grandchildren. They run, stomp, jump and yell,
and the 4 year old boy throws many screaming tantrums a day.
We have taken him to his Ped/ and the Dr. says, the boy is too young to be tested
for any behavioral issues.
But, anyway, Now the manager is telling us that several MORE tenants are complaining and
that WE NEED to get this early morning noise, especially on week ends, under control.
We really are trying, but, the little boy, doesn’t understand and he does have horrible
tantrums, gets time outs and spankings, and nothing works.
I think he may need a Different Dr. to give a second opinion.
But, in any case, We are feeling nervous, and threatened that we could get evicted.
The manager just says, Oh, we won’t throw you out on the street, but, he does
NOT say we will get evicted. I am the grandmother, and I am not doing anything
wrong, but, my daughter, her EX/ the kids’ father, and the 2 little kids, live with me.
We are all roommates. We pay our rent early every month and nothing else is
wrong with us, but, the kiddos are WAY too noisy, especially the 4 year old boy.
Is there anything ((other than the Dr. 2nd opinion/meds???) thing, that we can do?
Please let me know. You can send me an e-mail at
Thank you,
Grandma Lois
Edited on: Thursday, November 21st, 2013 7:48 pm
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