My neighbor possibly has bed bugs. Does my Landlord have a legal obligation to tell me?

By Angela

We walked out of our apt to find our neighbor across the hall had exterminators and they were in the process of sealing her door.  I went downstairs to ask my Landlord what is going on, and she said that she "Thought" she had bedbugs, but it was something else; some sort of beatle so they decided to exterminate anyway.  Does she have a legal obligation to be honest with me so that I can protect my apt? I’m assuming she is being honest because that is the right thing to do, but am I naive?

I tried to ask the neighbor, but she is long, gone.

I am driving myself batty with the notion of having bedbugs, and I’m not even sure that is what is going on?  How do I find out?

-On the verge of freeking out!

Edited on: Monday, December 16th, 2013 7:36 pm

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