My landlord won’t let children play outside!

By kay

I have lived in this complex for 4 years and my child and the other children always like to play together and they skateboard, ride bikes, play games, and other toys.  They don’t have a formal place to play so they can only play in the grass but there is a pond and no one is allowed near it and then they go in thje parking lot if they are going  to ride bikes or skateboard.  They always stay away from the parked cars and make sure they watch for other cars.  My apartment is on the first floor facing them so I can see they are following the rules.  Everyone just received a "letter" from the owners saying they can no longer rollerblade, skateboard, ride bikes, or use other wheeled equipment in the parking areas, parking lot, sidewalks, or other walkways.  The letter also states that we must respect the property including the trees and bushes.  (I’m not sure who is doing this because it’s not any of our kids).  It also states to stay away from the pond, (kids already do this).  The speed limit is 5 MPH, lease requests must be submitted in writing except for emergencies (this is in the lease).  It also states that noncompliance can lead to fines and termination of residency.  (there is a listing of fines that can be applied for certain things in our lease but I don’t know if they can fine you outside of that).

I need to know if this "letter" is a binding contract.  I didn’t sign it and the property owners only typed their name of the company.  No one signed it.
If this is now considered part of the lease, wouldn’t this be an amendment and then they have to give us 28 days notice as per our lease.
Can I let my child and the other children play without a threat of fines or termination of my lease?

Edited on: Thursday, September 26th, 2013 1:55 pm

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