My landlord want’s me out, and I got nowhere to go!
By Maria Torres
Hi, I am Maria. I reside in a room located in the Bronx. I am having problems with my landlord, and he told me that i had to get out today. My husband broke out with a rash, that wont go away. It gets better but it never gets completely cured. He is also ashtmatic, but its never has been chronic. But lately it have been getting worse. My landlord was fixing the water switches in the shower two years ago. Where he left a huge whole in the wall. He coverd it with some Glad plastic bags, and he took me in the shower to show me. That he had left it like that until the next day, where he was supose to come and fix it and til this day he never did. What he did do was take the plastic bags off and replaced it with wall paperl Also the walls in the shower are broken where when you take a shower, the water leaks to the floor below. The other day my husband was taking a shower and the landlord came knocking on the door violently for my husband to open the door for him to come in so he can check the shower. He invaded my husbands privacy and he was harrasing him while he was inside the bathroom taking a shower. Now the sink, shower walls, shower floor, the ceiling in the whole bathroom, and the whole bathroom floor is falling apart with mold. We have to take a shower with sandals and make sure that we are very still that way we dont touch the mold in the walls. Now you are probably thinking what i am still doing there. But the thing was that when we moved in this place we didnt see none off that. because he had paint it over the mold and he had the tiles in the shover taped and we couldnt tell until we were already there for like 3 months. After that the mold was already showing throughout the paint. Plus we had already used the money we had saved up on moving there and we had nowhere to go. I need some advice desperately. I dont know what to do. I am moving to Puerto Rico on October 22 of this year to take care of my mother wich have severe osteosporosis, and i dont want to be in the streets with my kids.
Edited on: Saturday, December 14th, 2013 6:53 pm
One Response to “My landlord want’s me out, and I got nowhere to go!”
Shannon September 5th, 2011 10:18 pm |
As a former renter I do know you have rights as far as when something needs to be repaired (correctly). Check the state laws but I know here in Indiana you can refuse to pay rent until the items are fixed or pay to have the repairs done and deduct that from your rent. Please don’t take my word for it, as I’ve said, check the local renters rights in your state. But sounds like he may be taking advantage of you not knowing what your rights are. Hope this helps Shannon |
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