My Landlord told us the house was up for shortsale
My land lord just told me and my roommates that the house was in foreclosure and his plan was to try and short sale the property. Our year lease expired on Jan of 2011 and now we are not in another lease. He told us he would drop our rent from 1900 to 1000 till the property sells or the bank moves forward with the trustee sale We were not prepared to have to move and dont have the savings$ to do so. I live with my brother his girlfriend and their 3 yr. old daughte, All three of us adults were laid off from our jobs within the last 6 months as well. My brother, 23 months ago, myself, this month, and his girlfriend, 8 months ago. Two of us are ineligable for unemployment as well since we were 1099’d employees. What are we supposed to do from here? Are we still obligated to pay the man monthly rent?? Is there any programs offered from the bank or government (etc.) for individuals in our situation? fyi, In addition to our mess, we were ALSO sub leasing from another family member at this property so therefore the initial deposit was returned to our family member who we took the house over for. So as you see, we are alittle bit scared of becoming homeless very very quickly. CAN SOMEONE PLEASE OFFER SOME ADVICE ON THIS SITUATION. PLEASE…
Edited on: Monday, May 21st, 2012 2:26 pm
One Response to “My Landlord told us the house was up for shortsale”
Fannie May 22nd, 2012 7:48 pm |
You did not renew your leasing contract? You have little protection for that matter. Actually, he can sell the property but your liability now if ever he sold the property would be to the new owner. And yes, you still have to pay the monthly rent but I suggest that you start looking for a new house. Since you say you don’t have the money for the initial deposits try to research for “housing and urban development” government projects. I think they have a program which helps people pay their rent. |
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