My landlord entered my home without permission

By smantha

I am behind in rent, I told my landlord my situation and when I could catch up, I even went so far to sign a promissary note.  My situation changed and I couldn’t uphold my end, I told him and he went ballistic, gave me a 3 day notice and and told me I had to leave on the 4th day. I’m a single mother and on the 4th day he pounded on my door and demanded I let him in, I was scared and didn’t answer.  I know the law, he could evict me, not just put me out.  Today when I got home I saw him exit my apartment with a few items.  I parked and thought he left.  He threw my things on the lawn in front and wnet through all my stuff in the apartment.  He came back and again harassed me.  I told him I would be out by the weekend and he again threatned me.  I’m scared and dont know what to do.

Edited on: Friday, August 16th, 2013 4:24 pm

One Response to “My landlord entered my home without permission”

My response: (We welcome stories, examples, explanations, answers and a touch of your personality)


May 10th, 2013 1:30 am

Hi Samantha! Sorry to hear about your concern. Your landlord cannot force you out of your rental unit and harass you. You can file a complaint against your landlord through the RPA’s complaint center. The next time he comes to your rental unit you can contact the police and inform them that you are afraid of you and your family’s safety. Yes your landlord has the right to evict you but he must do it legally though. After he gave you the written notice he must file an eviction case against you on your local county and wait for a court order before he can evict you. You can file a complaint against him for forcing you out of the rental unit and throwing your stuff.


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