my landlord does not repair

By Kandi Perkins

I have been renting my house since November 2013, about 3 months. In that three months I have had to replace both toilets, both bathroom sinks and replace the plumbing in the basement to keep it from flooding. After we got the water to stop flowing in the basement we discovered what appears to be black mold. I have also had to replace parts in the furnace, which currently and for the last 3 weeks still does not work properly. We have to keep open canisters of oil beside the furnace to deliver the oil. My husband rigged it up that way after we ran out of funds staying in a hotel after the first cold snap. We all have taken turns being very ill since roughly 2 weeks after we moved in. No matter how much I bleach and spray insecticide i still have flies in the house, even when its 1 degree outside. Where is my landlord in all of this, you ask? He lives behind me. His back yard connects to mine. He claims that all the problems with this house are due to previous tenants and he just needs the right ones to fix it up. After I have spent over $2,000 on repairs and lost over $5,000 in missed work due to flooding,breakdowns, and illness he is wiling to knock $100 of each month for 6 months for us to fix it up and make it "our own."  Move, people say. We just sank everything we had into moving here and repairing it so we could use the bathroom and do laundry. Put next months rent in escrow people say. There won’t be any rent next month. We are small business owners with children and we are tapped out. So all we can do now is wait for an eviction and take or receipts to court and thats if we don’t freeze to death or die of some mold borne illness first. We are in Virginia. We are deperately looking for help. The scarriest part of this is that this man owns several other rental homes and they are just like mine.

Edited on: Monday, January 13th, 2014 11:19 am

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