My Landlord comes by every day!!! I’m sick of it!!!


I have been living in a tri-plex for 2+ years and I have not caused any issues for my landlord. Rent NEVER late or unpaid. He had some bad tenants here when I came here and he was evicting them when I moved in. I started trying to talk to me and harass the neighbor while making it look like we were buddies. I am cordial but not so friendly he should make me an ally in his activities. Nontheless he continues to knock my door anytime he feels like it, put’s a hose on bushes right outside my windows after I speficially told him I was watering 2 times a month. This landlord is so much of a busy body I asked him if he takes a break and he said he works every day. Sure enough Memorial Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day and not 4th of July weekend he’s been here every day for the past 5 days acting like he’s working on the last apartment. He took a year to remodel the broken down junk unit next to me and another entire year banging around in another unit. He seems to take junk apartment buildings and wants to install all new fixtures and windows but It took him a year to fix my swamp cooler. At first he was friendly but now he is just nosey and rude. Since I am the only person he would assume that I complained so I am hesitant to file a complaint. I tried to move but had some change of plans. He said he was glad to have me here. I am sure it’s because I always keep my rent paid on time. Everytime he pulls into the driveway he rides the brakes by the next door apt because they don’t pay on time. He drives by as slowly as possible every day sometimes up to 10 times a day. This is maddening! I don’t have much of a personal life but with this guy I have virtually no privacy. I live in a tiny 1br unit with no yard. I aksed if we could put up a blind so people on the street can’t gawk at me while I relax in front of the unit but he thinks I’m going to grow dope or something. He has already contacted the neighbors and enlisted the neighboring landowners and has them watching my unit. The other day I had to go to the hospital. When I got home there was an email asking about why there was a fire truck at my house. He has spies too it seems. This is ridiculous anyone have good advice this needs to end now.  

Edited on: Thursday, August 29th, 2013 7:40 am

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